Monday, September 3, 2012

Pictures and News from Friday!

From Philip:
I had a great day.

From Mrs. Clough:
I apologize for not getting this post done sooner!  It was a busy holiday weekend and I hope everyone enjoyed the warm weather and time with their families and friends!  Friday was another fun and busy day (as Philip says, he had a great day!), and I remembered to get pictures of our caterpillar friends as well as pictures from our math activities!
The kids continued working during "Math Workshop" as a part of our Investigations Math curriculum. They had to come up with an efficient and organized way for me to clearly see that they had 20 and then 30 counting cubes, before building any object they wanted.
While some kids were using the counting cubes, the remaining students worked on covering the area of a shape with pattern blocks and recording their different ways of covering the area.  We will finish these activities tomorrow!
As I mentioned in previous posts, I have excellent artists in my classroom and the kids were working on their caterpillar/butterfly packets, creating drawings of a caterpillar life cycle and coloring the mallow plant.
Here are our furry crawling friends...each of the students have their own caterpillar in a cup just like this.  At the bottom of the cup (the creamy material) is the food from the mallow plant.  The kids were all excited to see if and how much their caterpillar grew just from Thursday to Friday.  I stopped at school today and I have to say, they will be even more excited to see how much growing they did over the long weekend!  More on that tomorrow!  :)

While we have a short week coming up, it will still be very busy!  Please stay in touch with us this week to hear more about our caterpillars, math activities, writing (we're going to finish our autobiographies), and more!  Hopefully a cool down is in the forecast, but please continue to send your children to school in cool clothes and have them bring a water bottle!

Mrs. Clough

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