Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Monday!

 From Lora:  
We have a lot of butterflies and we have a lot of people that have built their rainbows and got coupons.

From Mrs. Clough:
A new week and a holiday at that!  Happy Constitution Day to all of our readers! To begin today we learned a bit about the United States Constitution-what it is, what it does, and why we have it.  I think the entire document (we had it as a poster) was a little overwhelming to them, but they did get the basics, so ask your child tonight what they learned about the Constitution! :)

As Lora mentioned, we have ALL butterflies now!  They are flying around in our cage, as I type right now!  They are very beautiful and the kids are all very excited.  Today in science we learned about their different body parts and how they eat foot.  We learned some very interesting facts including, butterflies' antennae are how they smell, the butterflies' wings are for camouflage and protection from predators, on some of the butterflies' feet is where their sense of taste comes from!  Soon, we will be saying goodbye to the butterflies but our lessons on the life cycle will continue.
All of out butterflies look like this now.  Very exciting to see them fluttering around in the cage!

As mentioned last week, pictures of our final life cycle art projects.  The projects are hung in the different stages-some are hung as butterflies, some caterpillars, and some chrysalises. They turned out pretty great! 

In math we are learning more games to go with our primary number we learned to play a game called "Make 10" and tomorrow we will be playing a game very similar to "Go Fish", so stay tuned to that.  All of these games are centered around learning different math facts that equal 10, so as practice, quiz your child on different facts that equal 10! :)

Today we practiced our Daily 5 time with all kids going through every center and it went very smoothly!!!  With some re-organization and preparation, the kids handled the new management system very well and I think we found something that will work well for everyone!  YAY!

A few reminders:
1. Please check your child's take home folder every night...there is daily work, and occasional notes from school in their folder.  If you have anything to communicate with me, you may send it back in their folder as I check them every day.
2. Book Orders are due THIS Friday, September 21st.  (They went home last Friday)
3. School pictures are Wednesday September 26th.  Picture orders and money are due on or before this date, though you are not required to purchase pictures.
4. Keep reading with your child at home!  We will officially be starting reading groups next week and it will be as important as ever, that your child gets supplemental reading time at home!

Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. Clough

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