Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exciting News!

From Cole:
Three butterflies hatched today.

From Mrs. Clough:
SURPRISE!  We had three butterflies hatch today, and in fact in the time from when Cole wrote on the blog to when I left school, there were four butterflies and a fifth on the way!  Very soon I believe our net will be filled with butterflies! :)  The kids were very, very excited to say the least!

Aside from that exciting news, we worked on a caterpillar/butterfly life cycle art project today.  I will post pictures of the final project tomorrow but wanted to share a photo of the process today.  I drew and cut out stencils and the kids then folded a piece of construction paper "hamburger style".  They traced the pattern and then cut it out but not cutting on the folded edge, so that it could open up.  Once they cut it out they colored/designed one side to be the caterpillar, then turned it over and turned it sideways to draw/color the chrysalis, and finally they opened it up to the inside to color a butterfly.  Three major parts of the caterpillar life cycle!  They really enjoyed the activity and we also spent time looking at a non-fiction butterfly magazine and saw the eggs they lay up close, which the kids were thrilled with!
Working on the butterfly!  More pictures tomorrow of the final products!

In math today we played Count on 1 or 2 Bingo!  All of the students really enjoyed playing and I will be sending home copies of the game for you to play at home tomorrow.
Filling up their BINGO cards! :)

Look for more pictures of the art projects and of our REAL butterflies tomorrow! 
Also parents-tomorrow the 2nd newsletter will go out as well as the 2nd book order of the year. These will be due on Friday September 21st. As a reminder, school pictures are on September 26th and while you are not required to buy a photo package, if you would like to your money/order is due on or before the 26th.

Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. Clough

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