From Holly:
We got a 2 at recess and learned about the kangaroo life cycle.
From Mrs. Clough:
Happy Wednesday! We are half way through the week! :) To explain a bit more about Holly's comment, every afternoon at last recess the teachers on duty give a number to each class (1, 2, or 3-1 being very respectful and responsible behavior for lining up quickly and quietly on the line face forward, 2 needing reminders/kids talking, 3, etc...). Today our class did receive a 2 for a few talkers, but usually we tend to do a very nice job!
We learned about a 3rd new life cycle...The Kangaroo! We began by reading the book Joey to Kangaroo which had a LOT of new information for me and the kids! :) We then discussed the 3 stages of the kangaroo life cycle and I again, made a rough sketch to model for the kids as they worked on their life cycle books. Please ignore the fact that my kangaroos look more like foxes as one of the kids said!!! Once again, I am very impressed with the work the kids have been doing on their life cycle books and I may even save them to share with you all at conferences!
In math, we continued working on solving addition and subtraction story problems. We listed different strategies to solve the problems including:
1. Draw a picture
2. Use counting cubes
3. Use a number line
4. Use fingers to count up or back down
5. Use the 100 Chart
We also have been practicing the following steps to solve the problem:
1. Read the story problem and picture it in your mind.
2. Pick a strategy to help you solve the problem (Use it/Solve it)
3. Write an equation to show what you did.
We will have one more full day of story problems, before we move on to learning more about the doubles!!!
In shared reading we are continuing to build our schema by making text to self connections and today we began making text to text connections after reading Amazing Grace and making connections to our story from yesterday Oliver Button is a Sissy. As you read with your child at home, encourage him or her to make connections to the text or see if they can connect what they are reading to another book!
-I am still working on finishing up phone calls to those who's child will be participating in the supplemental and/or intensive reading and math programs. I will finish by Friday! Promise!
Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. Clough
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