Tuesday, December 11, 2012

La Befana!

From Cole:
We read a book about Old Befana.

From Mrs. Clough:
Again, it seems like it has been forever since I last posted!  Friday afternoon we got really busy with some activities, and yesterday I was unfortunately, home sick!  BUT-we are back, and you can count on daily posts this week!

In math we are continuing to work on ways to collect, categorize, and sort data as well as ways to represent that data.  Overall, the kids are doing a pretty good job, but it is a challenging skill for 7 and 8 year olds to grasp so we will continue to work on it!

In Shared Reading, we have begun reading books by Chris Van Allsburg.  LOVE his books!  We read Jumangi yesterday and today we read Zethura.  We continue to work on making inferences by, "taking your background knowledge and your clues from the text, you put 'em together and you JUST INFER!".

We are rolling right along with our Christmas Around the World social studies unit.  Today we visited Italy after getting our passports stamped, and learned about Old Befana, the witch who comes down the chimney and puts ashes in shoes (instead of stockings) if the children have not been good, and gifts/treats in shoes if the child has been good.  Children in Italy open the majority of their gifts on January 6th. Tomorrow we move on to Germany, so stay tuned for more about that trip!  :)
Working on creating our own "La Befana". I will get a picture of everyone's for tomorrow's post!

A Venn Diagram of things that are the same and things that are different in Italy and the USA for Christmas (plus some key words for the writing the kids worked on later!).

A few reminders:
-Cold weather is HERE!  Please make sure your child is coming to school with hats, gloves, and winter coat!
-THANK YOU to those who offered to bring items for our Christmas Around the World festivities.  It is much appreciated!
-Next Friday (December 21st) will be our holiday party.  I will send a reminder note home for those families who are signed up to bring treats/plates/napkins/water soon.
-December 24-January 2nd are NO SCHOOL days!

Have a great night!
Mrs. Clough

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