Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gingerbread Germany!

From Holly:
We got a 1 at recess.

From Mrs. Clough:
Today was another fun filled day, not to mention busy!  As Holly mentioned, our class earned a 1 at recess which means they did an excellent job of getting to our line when the bell rang and were facing the front and quiet!  I have to say I am very proud of 2C, because we almost always get a 1! :)

In math we worked on collecting pocket data.  How many pockets was each person wearing, not how many pockets were there total in our class (like the previous times we discussed pockets).  We then came up with ways to sort and organize that data.

Today for our Christmas Around the World, we visited Germany!  We learned that in Germany, Santa is called Saint Nicholas and he also arrives by a ship and rides a horse through town (very similar to Holland, which we visited last week!).  We also learned that the people of Germany were the first to use Christmas trees AND are well known for their baking and use of gingerbread men and houses!  SO....the kids each got a gingerbread man and were told take only one bite.  They were then to color the part of their gingerbread that they ate (on a separate activity page) red.  They then were told to eat a second bite, and on the activity page, color that part of their gingerbread man green.  Finally, they were told to take a third bite and to color that part of their gingerbread man, yellow, on the activity page.  After they had the coloring done, they were to do some writing about "How I Eat a Gingerbread Cookie", following a First, Second, Third writing prompt.  It went pretty well.  We talked about beginning sentences with capital letters, ending sentences with punctuation, and adding details so that our writing is not boring!  Once they finished all of their writing they were able to finish their gingerbread man!

Tomorrow we will be visiting Sweden, so stay tuned for that!!!

A few reminders:
-You may pick up your cookie dough from the fundraiser TONIGHT between 5 and 7 in the lunchroom.  This is the only night you may pick it up!
-Keep sending your child to school in a winter coat, gloves, and hat! :)
-Holiday Party next Friday, December 21st!  A reminder note will go home early next week for those who are signed up to bring items!
-NO SCHOOL Dec. 24th-January 2nd!

Have a great night!
Mrs. Clough

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