Monday, December 17, 2012

A Good Day, But With Some Tough Questions

From Mrs. Clough (no class blogger today):

First of all, Happy Birthday to Xander!  We had no class blogger today due to our birthday celebration at the end of the day which included card making, eating treats, singing, and a little dancing! :)

I think I will start today's post to briefly discuss the events that occurred in Newtown on Friday, what it means for us, and the questions I had today...I do not believe that any words can entirely describe how tragic and horrific the event that took place last Friday afternoon.

A note went home this evening from the MISD Superintendent, Sarah Pinion.  In that letter she briefly addressed the procedures in place across the district and the law enforcement and safety agencies in Marion that also share in our procedures and plans.  Please be assured that all procedures have been discussed with your children and that everyone in the MISD will, and would do, everything possible to keep your child(ren) safe in an emergency situation.

I had a couple of children during our morning discussion today, ask some tough questions.  Over the weekend I (probably along with many other educators and/or parents across the U.S.) thought about what I would say, should any questions arise.  I knew not to go into much detail and yet I did not want to leave a lot of unanswered questions or give ambiguous  answers.  I have to admit that answering a 7 or 8 year old's questions regarding something like this, is no easy task!  Once I realized that a couple of kids had questions, I quickly asked who had heard about what had happened and almost everyone raised their hand.  I just said that there was a man who made a horrible choice and hurt some children and teachers at a school far away from here.  We talked about how while it may be sad, most of the children were kept safe because of the plans and protection their teachers had and gave. From there we finished our quick discussion by reviewing our own procedures, and I assured them how much I cared for them and will always do my best to protect them in any emergency situation (tornado, fire, lockdown).

I think I can speak for everyone at Starry, if not every person across our country, when I say our hearts and support go out to the families, friends, first responders, and everyone who has been touched by this tragedy.  While I am not a parent yet, I am a teacher and I want all of you to know how very much I care for each of your kids during the 7-8 hours they are with me everyday (and that's not even counting the amount of time I spend thinking about them outside of school!).  I would do, and will continue to do, everything I can for your them.  They are my #1 priority, care, and concern at all times.

In OTHER news...we began work on a secret project today...I will only share 2 pictures and leave you guessing! :)

In math, we are continuing to work on collecting data, organizing data, and graphing data.  We will continue working on this until break time!  This week we will also be focussing on addition and subtraction fact practice!

For Text Talk/Vocabulary we read the Caldecott winning book Strega Nona and will introduce the first three vocabulary words from that story tomorrow!

That is all for tonight.  Once again, I want to reiterate how much I care for each of your children and I also want to thank you for entrusting them under my care, supervision, and guidance.  It is a privilege, one that I sincerely love.

Have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Clough

Friday, December 14, 2012

Feliz Navidad!

From Connor:
At recess we got a one.  It was a really good day and we watched a movie as a class reward.

From Mrs. Clough:

As Connor mentioned we did have a really good day!  We had earned a class reward for following the Marion Way and we spent half of our reward time in the PE for life room getting some exercise and the other half of our reward time watching the cartoon version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (as we had read the book and done a writing activity last week).

In addition, in math we are continuing with ways to collect and organize data.  Today we looked at how many teeth each of us had lost and ways to graph that information.  We learned about a line plot and graphed our information in that way.

Today we visited Mexico and read the Tommy DePaula story The Legend of the Poinsettia.  The kids made their own mini version of the story and created their own poinsettia as well.  It was a fun project and another successful trip, learning about Christmas around the world!

We also had a PBIS assembly today and there were four students in our classroom recognized for being honest!  Congratulation and well done to Avery, Gracin, Libby, and Landen! :)

A few reminders:
-Winter Party is next Friday (December 21st)...I will send a note home next week for those who are signed up to bring something! :)
-NO SCHOOL Dec. 24th-Jan. 2nd
-January 3rd: Classes resume!

Have a great weekend!!!  
Mrs. Clough

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas in Sweden!

From Gracin:
We talked about Christmas in Sweden and how on the morning of the 13th, they eat rolls and drink hot chocolate and coffee.

From Mrs. Clough:
Aside from our time spent learning about and enjoying some of Sweden's Christmas traditions,  we continued our work with collecting/organizing/categorizing data in math and even made a class bar graph.  In shared reading we continued with another Chris Van Allsburg book, which the kids are LOVING!  He truly is a great author and illustrator, not to mention his books are GREAT for inferring.  So far we have read:
The Widow's Broom
The Garden of Abdul Gasazi
We will continue reading his books until next Thursday, so you can count on hearing more about them!

SWEDEN! (Some fun facts)
In Sweden, Santa is referred to as Kris Kringle and on the morning of December 13th the girls/women wear crowns made of wreaths with candles, and the boys wear "Star Caps". December 13th is referred to as "Santa Lucia Day".  Also, it is a tradition that the women serve coffee and rolls. in 2nd grade we enjoyed some hot chocolate (in place of coffee, because goodness knows that caffeine like that would not be good for a bunch of already enthusiastic 7 and 8 year olds!) and donut holes.  YUM!  While enjoying our treats, the kids worked on their own wreath crown and star cap.
Working on our crowns and caps, while enjoying some treats!
Star caps!

Wreath crown!

Class picture in our Star Caps and Wreath Crowns!

That is about all for tonight!  Have a great night and check back tomorrow to hear about our trip to MEXICO! :)

Mrs. Clough

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gingerbread Germany!

From Holly:
We got a 1 at recess.

From Mrs. Clough:
Today was another fun filled day, not to mention busy!  As Holly mentioned, our class earned a 1 at recess which means they did an excellent job of getting to our line when the bell rang and were facing the front and quiet!  I have to say I am very proud of 2C, because we almost always get a 1! :)

In math we worked on collecting pocket data.  How many pockets was each person wearing, not how many pockets were there total in our class (like the previous times we discussed pockets).  We then came up with ways to sort and organize that data.

Today for our Christmas Around the World, we visited Germany!  We learned that in Germany, Santa is called Saint Nicholas and he also arrives by a ship and rides a horse through town (very similar to Holland, which we visited last week!).  We also learned that the people of Germany were the first to use Christmas trees AND are well known for their baking and use of gingerbread men and houses!  SO....the kids each got a gingerbread man and were told take only one bite.  They were then to color the part of their gingerbread that they ate (on a separate activity page) red.  They then were told to eat a second bite, and on the activity page, color that part of their gingerbread man green.  Finally, they were told to take a third bite and to color that part of their gingerbread man, yellow, on the activity page.  After they had the coloring done, they were to do some writing about "How I Eat a Gingerbread Cookie", following a First, Second, Third writing prompt.  It went pretty well.  We talked about beginning sentences with capital letters, ending sentences with punctuation, and adding details so that our writing is not boring!  Once they finished all of their writing they were able to finish their gingerbread man!

Tomorrow we will be visiting Sweden, so stay tuned for that!!!

A few reminders:
-You may pick up your cookie dough from the fundraiser TONIGHT between 5 and 7 in the lunchroom.  This is the only night you may pick it up!
-Keep sending your child to school in a winter coat, gloves, and hat! :)
-Holiday Party next Friday, December 21st!  A reminder note will go home early next week for those who are signed up to bring items!
-NO SCHOOL Dec. 24th-January 2nd!

Have a great night!
Mrs. Clough

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

La Befana!

From Cole:
We read a book about Old Befana.

From Mrs. Clough:
Again, it seems like it has been forever since I last posted!  Friday afternoon we got really busy with some activities, and yesterday I was unfortunately, home sick!  BUT-we are back, and you can count on daily posts this week!

In math we are continuing to work on ways to collect, categorize, and sort data as well as ways to represent that data.  Overall, the kids are doing a pretty good job, but it is a challenging skill for 7 and 8 year olds to grasp so we will continue to work on it!

In Shared Reading, we have begun reading books by Chris Van Allsburg.  LOVE his books!  We read Jumangi yesterday and today we read Zethura.  We continue to work on making inferences by, "taking your background knowledge and your clues from the text, you put 'em together and you JUST INFER!".

We are rolling right along with our Christmas Around the World social studies unit.  Today we visited Italy after getting our passports stamped, and learned about Old Befana, the witch who comes down the chimney and puts ashes in shoes (instead of stockings) if the children have not been good, and gifts/treats in shoes if the child has been good.  Children in Italy open the majority of their gifts on January 6th. Tomorrow we move on to Germany, so stay tuned for more about that trip!  :)
Working on creating our own "La Befana". I will get a picture of everyone's for tomorrow's post!

A Venn Diagram of things that are the same and things that are different in Italy and the USA for Christmas (plus some key words for the writing the kids worked on later!).

A few reminders:
-Cold weather is HERE!  Please make sure your child is coming to school with hats, gloves, and winter coat!
-THANK YOU to those who offered to bring items for our Christmas Around the World festivities.  It is much appreciated!
-Next Friday (December 21st) will be our holiday party.  I will send a reminder note home for those families who are signed up to bring treats/plates/napkins/water soon.
-December 24-January 2nd are NO SCHOOL days!

Have a great night!
Mrs. Clough

Thursday, December 6, 2012

St. Nicholas Day and Hanukkah!

From Brayson:
My favorite thing today was PE.

From Mrs. Clough
We have had a great 2 days, especially in learning more during our Christmas around the world unit.  Before I get to updates about that, I will share a bit more about what else is going on!

In math we are beginning to work on collecting data, or information on a certain thing/topic.  We have been playing rounds of "Guess My Rule" and separating certain things or people based on different characteristics and recording our results.  As we continue we will be working more on graphing and other ways to collect data.

In shared reading, we continue to work on inferring.  Today we read the story Five Chinese Brothers, which was published in 1938 (so naturally, the kids thought that was pretty cool) and we worked on taking our background knowledge and the clues from the text-puting them together and inferring!  Next week we will begin reading books by Chris Van Alsburg.  His book are great for inferring and there are some fun activities to go along with the books!

Christmas around the world has been going great!  Yesterday we traveled to Holland to learn more about Saint Nicholas-AND when the kids got to school this morning (after leaving their Dutch shoe, carrots, and hay out on their desk), they found that Saint Nicholas had been here and left them a treat!  :)
The metal detector wand checking for anything inappropriate!

Waiting in line to get the passport signed!  Going through "Customs"

After our trip to Holland, we got back to Starry and talked a bit more about Dutch traditions.  We learned a new song, although the kids already knew a Dutch Christmas song that they shared with me! :)

Today we learned about Hanukkah-the history and the eight nights of celebration.  We read the book The Eight Nights of Hanukkah and then we each made a candle stick for a class menorah that will be hung in the hallway.  On our candles we wrote things on the flame that "light us up", or things that make us feel good, or things we believe we are good at.  I will put a picture of the menorah tomorrow!

A few reminders:
-A note will go home tomorrow about the cookie dough fundraiser.  You may pick up your orders next Wednesday the 12th.  That is the ONLY day you may pick up your orders.  Look for more details tomorrow in your child's take home folder.
-It is getting colder and may end up staying that way finally.  Please make sure your child has a winter coat to wear to school, as well as gloves and a hat.  There is a chance for snow on Sunday, so it may be about time to send boots as well!
-NO SCHOOL December 24th-January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. Clough

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Finally, a new post!!!

From Emily D.,
Today we went in to Mrs. Greone's old room and learned about Safe Touch.  We had gym and music.  We read the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas and then did a fun thing with it.

From Mrs. Clough:
Once again, it has been a while since we have had a blogger and post!  Things have just been crazy busy and we tend to run out of time at the end of the day, so I apologize if any of you have missed us!

Our big news is that we have begun our Christmas Around the World unit.  We have our passports and suitcases ready and tomorrow we will embark on a trip to Holland to learn more about how they celebrate Christmas.  We talked a bit today about their holiday traditions (the wooden shoe left out by fireplace instead of a stocking, Saint Nicholas comes on a ship and not a sleigh, etc).  We made our own shoes to lay out tomorrow night with hopes that Saint Nicholas will come and leave a treat by the time they come to school on Thursday!

We also worked on putting together a color coded map to keep track of what continents we visit over the course of the unit.

In math we have been working on counting groups of ten and working with problems that ask us to sort out groups of 10 and see how many are left over with a given number.  Tomorrow we will begin with some data collection about our class and making graphs.  We continue to work on our addition and subtraction flashcards that include the following strategies: Doubles, Doubles Plus 1 or near doubles, Plus or Minus 1 or 2, Plus 10 Combinations, and combinations of 10.

Today as Emily mentioned, we had a visitor from St. Luke's Hospital and they presented information and a video on Safe Touching-what are good, bad, and secret touches.  A note about this presentation went home last week.  

Also, as Emily mentioned, I read the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and for writing, the kids had to tell me what they would do to make that grouchy Grinch grin to make his heart grow bigger!  I think we all had a really good time with this "craftivity"!  :)

A few reminders:
-Tomorrow is an Early Release at 1:40pm
-If you have not already, please send your child's Christmas traditions page to school as soon as possible so they can share with the rest of the class!
-No School Dec. 24-Jan. 2

Have a great night and check back tomorrow to hear about our trip to Holland!
Mrs. Clough