Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Cool Day!

From Emily D. :
We did some math and went out to recess.  We did DAILY 5 with reading, writing, and word work.

From Mrs. Clough:
Emily did a pretty nice job summarizing some parts of our day!  Everyone noticed how crazy the weather was today...we started partly sunny, it rained, was cloudy, and now is sunny again but none the less, it is much cooler!  I think fall may be here to stay by the sounds of it!  Please send your child to school in a jacket or at least sweatshirt as we begin to remain in cooler temperatures!

In math we began our work in GEOMETRY!  Many of the kids were very unsure as to what that word even meant and we discussed that it is the study of shapes.  I showed them several different geoblocks (3D wood blocks) and we talked about 'faces' on the geoblocks.  I had to chuckle a bit today because one student was amazed at the concept of 3D and said, "Mrs. Clough, I think we should give thanks for living in a 3D world, otherwise everything would be flat and that would be boring".  :)  We will continue with geometry on and off for the next couple weeks, so stay tuned!

Today we had our big butterfly life cycle test.  We had a review game early in the day and the students took their test this afternoon to test all of their knowledge they have acquired since the beginning of the year when we began the science unit!

Daily 5 went much better again today with kids transitioning to centers at proper voice levels and working responsibly!  YEAH!

This afternoon we also read a story called Best Wishes Ed and made text to text connections to our vocabulary story this week, Amos and Boris.

A few reminders:
-The Marion Homecoming Parade is tonight at 6pm!  Dress warm!
-Marion Homecoming Football game is tomorrow night!
-Next Wednesday, October 10th is an Early Release at 1:40pm
-Next Thursday is Starry Fall Fest...come join in on the fun!  Parent Group is still looking for volunteers by the way!
-Over the next week or two, I will begin contacting those parents who said they would be willing to volunteer in the classroom to set up times and let you know what I had in mind. :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Mrs. Clough

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