Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Graphs, Caterpillars, Butterflies, and You Are Special!

From Rebeckah:
We decorated our composition notebooks.

From Mrs. Clough:

 Today was another fun filled day here in 2C (that's what we call ourselves-2 for second grade, and C for Clough).  As Rebeckah mentioned, we took time to decorate and personalize our composition notebooks that will be used throughout the year during our writing time and lessons.  The kids brought items from home (photographs, stickers, magazine cut-outs) and I provided a few extras as well.  They look great and I think they had fun doing it!

We also continued working on our "Get to Know You" Graphs and today we collected data, using post-it notes on the whiteboard with each student's name, to then create our graph.  As you can see the data we collected was about our favorite school subjects.  Reading was our favorite with Social Studies our least!
Today we talked about a very exciting science unit.  Parents ask your kids what is happening on this Thursday and they will tell you that our caterpillars (LIVE caterpillars) are arriving!  We began our caterpillars and butterflies science unit today by completing individual KWL's and a class KWL.  Students wrote things that they think they know, what they want to know, and obviously we left the "L" blank because we haven't learned anything yet!  Our science unit will focus on the life cycle of butterflies and each student will have their own caterpillar to monitor its growth and changes as it becomes a butterfly.  We will span the unit over the next couple of weeks, so please encourage your child to share with you what happens each day during science!  :)
We finished taking some math assessments and probes to gauge where the students are at, and we also read a book called You Are Special by Max Lucado (Another great read, check it out!).  The students then worked on a page about themselves telling why they are unique and special.

It was another great day, despite being very warm!  Again, please dress your child cooly and try to make sure they have a water bottle to stay hydrated!  It seems as though the heat is going to stay with us for the rest of the week!  One of our fellow 2nd graders asked Mrs. Tank if we were going to turn on the AC this afternoon!  Unfortunately, no air at Starry! :(  But hang in there....fall will be here soon!

Check back tomorrow to hear from another student blogger!

Mrs. Clough

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